Community Involvement
Navship Assists Area After Flood
Though Brazil isn't affected by the hurricanes that plague south Louisiana, Navship was affected by a natural disaster in late November 2008. The local rivers and reservoirs were already at high levels and, when the area was inundated by a solid week of heavy rains, the Itajai River started rising. In the space of about 12 hours, Navship went from being a rainy shipyard, to having knee-deep water covering most of the yard. As the office and production buildings are built up higher, the water got close, but did not enter any of the buildings.
The surrounding communities did not fare as well. Many homes and communities were seriously damaged by flooding and mudslides. The floodwaters trapped many people in their houses, and the mudslides cut off all the roads surrounding the area. All trucking came to a standstill. The Brazilian government started flying relief supplies to the Navegantes airport several days after the flood, and Navship forklifts were able to unload twenty planes with almost 600 tons of food and medical supplies for the region.